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Case Study

Integration of Single Application for Leading Game Publisher in Europe

Whom we worked with

Our Client is a privately owned company that publishes free-to-play games for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Our Solution

  • Code optimization for better performance
  • Merging the 4 flash games into a single native application
  • Integration of ad networks and analytics
  • Implemented self-made localization system to overcome Adobe Air security


  • Performance issues
  • Optimization of code
  • Integration of ad networks
  • Localization issues due to Adobe Air security


  • Packaging 4 different flash games into a single applicationflash games into a single application
  • Code optimization
  • Ad integration

How we helped

  • Identified common framework & utility code used by the games and merged them to reduce the build size.
  • Implemented video-based content unlocks using Chartboost plugin
  • Localization was originally handled by the old framework which had compatibility issues with Adobe Air’s security.
  • Implemented a localization system that read strings from a local data file.
  • Optimized scene transition code using smooth linear interpolation.
  • Code clean-up for better performance on mobile devices

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