All-In-One Scriptless Test Automation Solution!

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Case Study

Providing Test automation framework using UFT for one of the top-tier insurance company in US

Whom we worked with

A top-tier insurance company that offers financial products and services including life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, disability income insurance, credit union products, retirement planning, and more.

Our Solution

  • Designed a UFT automation framework that would capture the load time
  • Developed a parser to verify the logs within a fraction of seconds
  • A dedicated reusable component as part of the UFT automation framework to validate the status of Windows and Linux based services
  • Designed an approach to execute 300+ test cases in multiple virtual machines running simultaneously in a hidden mode without any hassles


  • No enhanced framework to capture the performance metric of an application for each page
  • Replacing monotonous procedure to verify logs
  • To check the status of Windows and Linux based services
  • Execution of 300+ test cases within 1 ½ hour


  • Capturing performance metrics without integrating any of the performance tools helped to save 100% cost on license based tools
  • Reduced 90% amount of human efforts to verify logs and checking status of services
  • Minimized the need for human resources by 35% to execute test cases and ensured full support from QA automation team
  • Automated execution of Test automation in virtual machines by reducing manual effort to execute Automated testing by about 1-2 hours every execution.
  • Notified IT contacts along with IT asset owners on found application issues on a daily basis with detailed bug analysis

How we helped

  • Sun Technologies Automation team analyzed the requirement at the forefront and converted analysis into an advance and enhanced UFT automation framework that would capture the load time of each page and designed metrics in detail by referencing load time through automation scripts.
  • The developed UFT automation framework captures load time of 35+ web pages and it does not involve the integration of any license based performance tools and helped to save 100% cost
  • Developed a parser (automation script) which is fast, accurate to check and verify the logs contain any specific error statements within a fraction of second
  • With the usage of the parser, seamlessly verifying the logs for 20+ servers with accurate and detailed result report, which reduced 90% manual resource effort
  • Designed reusable components as part of the UFT automation framework to validate the status of Windows and Linux based services
  • Using reusable component, validating for Windows and Linux based services for 40+ servers
  • Designed an approach and configured setting in registry edit to execute 300+ test cases in multiple virtual machines running simultaneously in hidden mode ensuring no machine getting locked and overall reduced consumption of 1-2 hours of manual effort

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