All-In-One Scriptless Test Automation Solution!

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Implement high-quality smoke testing using our experienced resources

Our Expertise in Smoke Testing

Smoke Testing Services

Sun Technologies Offshore Managed QA Services is delivering Smoke/Sanity testing services for over 25+ years at an affordable price to our customers.

Offering reliable, efficient, and cost-effective smoke testing services

Enterprises face various challenges with Selenium and Selenium-based automation projects. Based on the complexity of the application, these challenges multiply. Some of the Selenium-based automation projects are not flexible. Sun Technologies’ has helped our customers to overcome many of these challenges using our ideal test automation solutions.

Our Smoke Testing services are comprised of a non-exhaustive set of smoke tests, which ensure that the newly deployed test build is testable and stable, saving testing effort and time. This also helps to identify the defects at a very early stage, improving the software’s quality.

Our Smoke Testing Services Cover
  • Well-defined Smoke Test cases
  • Automated Smoke Tests to check the stability of the build
    • Each test case should run within 1 sec (SLA)
    • Should complete 1000 test cases within 15 minutes

Our Smoke/Sanity Testing Services Approach

Understand critical scenarios in the application

We start with deciding on what to include in the smoke test and prioritize the major functionalities.

Design the robust smoke test suites

We optimize smoke tests to cover maximum test scenarios in minimum test cases.

Execute both manual and automated smoke test

Our automated smoke test process saves time, and our manual testing covers all the tests that cannot be automated.

Analyze the feasibility of testing

Our team ensures the feasibility of testing the new build by analyzing the results of the smoke test.

How We Work With You

Understand major flaws in the system

Customizing test suites as per requirements

Analyze and provide feedback

Document smoke test results for future reference

Our Key Principles of Smoke/Sanity Testing

Ensure major functionalities are working

Ensure build is stable for further testing


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Detailed Documentation

Our Tool Expertise

Why Sun Technologies for Smoke/Sanity Testing Services?

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