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Hyperautomation Explained: A powerful combination of RPA and Enterprise Workflow Automation

How Hyperautomation brings together RPA and Enterprise Workflow Automation

Hyperautomation extends traditional automation using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and different integration and automation software types such as RPA and iPaas. 

 Gartner predicts that over 56% of businesses have at least four simultaneous Hyperautomation activities in their pipeline. However, the constant increase in Hyperautomation efforts requires experience in designing skills and integration velocity. Without the knowledge of the right integration tools and infrastructure needed to support Hyperautomation, any implementation will likely break down when released for end-user consumption. 

What can you achieve by combining both – RPA and workflow automation?

The combination of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and workflow automation can create a powerful automation solution that covers the execution of specific tasks and the management of end-to-end processes. 

Example: Purchase Order Processing

Purchase order (PO) processing at a company’s procurement department contains multiple phases, including receiving POs, verifying them, gaining permissions, and updating the inventory and accounting systems.

Let’s look at how RPA and process automation may collaborate in this scenario:

  • RPA Task – For Data Extraction and Validation: Implementing the RPA bot allows monitoring of the email inbox where POs are received. When a new PO is received, the bot may automatically extract pertinent information such as the vendor’s name, PO number, goods, quantities, and pricing. It can then execute validation tests to assure correctness, such as confirming that the seller is trustworthy, that quantities are within acceptable limits, and that pricing meet established standards. If there are any differences, the bot can update them and send an alarm if required.
  • Workflow Automation – Approval Routing: A workflow automation system will manage the approval process once the PO is confirmed. The process may be structured to send the PO to the right persons or departments for approval based on specified parameters, such as the purchase amount or the type of goods requested. The workflow automation system may monitor approval progress, provide alerts and reminders to approvers, and escalate to higher-level authorities if there are any delays.
  • RPA Task – System Updates: Once the PO is approved, the RPA bot will update the inventory and accounting systems. The bot may log into various systems and enter PO data, inventory amounts, and financial transactions. This removes the need for human data entry while ensuring accurate and timely system upgrades.
  • Workflow Automation – Process Monitoring and Reporting: The workflow automation system can track each purchasing order’s progress, provide reports, and offer real-time visibility into the process throughout the purchase order processing cycle. It can detect bottlenecks or approval delays, monitor service level agreements (SLAs), and give management insights and data on process performance.

Organizations may accomplish end-to-end automation of purchase order processing by combining RPA with workflow automation. RPA performs extraction, validation, and system modifications, while workflow automation handles routing, approvals, monitoring, and reporting. This integrated strategy enhances overall efficiency and productivity by streamlining the process, reducing mistakes, ensuring compliance, and increasing efficiency and productivity.

Benefits of combining RPA and workflow automation

Comprehensive Process Automation: RPA and Enterprise Workflow automation combine to automate various business process components. RPA focuses on automating repetitive and rule-based activities, whereas Enterprise Workflow Automation operates the complete process’s flow, coordination, and decision-making. Organizations may accomplish end-to-end automation by integrating these technologies, including task-level automation and activity orchestration across participants.

Seamless Integration: RPA and Enterprise Workflow automation may connect seamlessly, providing seamless cooperation and data interchange. RPA bots can be integrated into the workflow automation system, allowing specialized tasks to execute within the broader process. The workflow automation system may activate RPA bots at the relevant phases, sending input and instructions and receiving outputs for further processing.

Scalability and Flexibility:  RPA enables the automation of individual operations or activities that can scale up or down based on demand. On the other hand, workflow automation handles the whole process, enabling dynamic routing, parallel processing, and adaptation to changing business requirements. This combination helps organizations handle complex and developing operations efficiently.

Enhanced Efficiency and Accuracy: RPA excels in automating manual and repetitive operations, increasing productivity, and decreasing mistakes. By automating these operations, organizations can realize faster processing times, higher productivity, and enhanced data accuracy. Workflow automation guarantees that tasks coordinate and orchestrate business rule-based actions to eliminate delays and bottlenecks. RPA and workflow automation work together to improve overall process efficiency and accuracy.

Improved Visibility and Control: Organizations get more visibility and control over their automated processes by integrating RPA with Enterprise Workflow automation. Workflow automation offers a unified process picture, including real-time status, bottlenecks, and performance indicators. Integration with RPA enables thorough task-level automation tracking and auditing, offering insights into the execution and consequences of specific automated processes.

Exception Handling and Decision Making: Exceptions and decision points may develop in complicated systems, needing human judgment or intervention. Workflow automation may deal with such situations by connecting with RPA to route exceptions to the right stakeholders or to initiate human-in-the-loop interactions. Because of this combination, complicated decision-making and exception-handling can easily incorporate into the entire automated process.

Organizations may accomplish end-to-end process automation, simplify operations, boost efficiency, and improve their business processes’ overall agility and productivity by integrating RPA with Enterprise Workflow automation. Combining both technologies allows organizations to capitalize on the advantages of RPA and workflow automation, resulting in more effective and complete automation solutions.

Bringing together RPA and Enterprise Workflow Automation can present specific challenges. However, with proper implementation and planning, these challenges can be addressed. 

Here are some common challenges and their potential solutions:

Integration Complexity 


Integrating RPA with Enterprise Workflow automation solutions can be technically challenging, especially when several platforms, technologies, and data exchange methods are involved. 


Compatibility and standardization are important to consider. Choose RPA and process automation systems with well-defined APIs and the ability to connect. Ensure that both systems use common data formats and standards for smooth integration. It may also be advantageous to enlist the assistance of experienced integration professionals or consultants who can assist with the technical parts of the integration.

Process Design and Mapping 


Because RPA and workflow automation have distinct views and granularity levels, aligning the design and mapping of the process can be difficult. 


Create a clear plan for process mapping. Determine the places in the process automation system where RPA bots will be active. Identify the two systems’ inputs, outputs, and dependencies. Close collaboration between the RPA and workflow automation teams is required to ensure common knowledge of the process and its interaction points. Regular communication and collaboration are essential for efficiently aligning the process design.

Exception Handling and Error Management 


When integrating RPA and process automation, dealing with exceptions, failures, and complicated decision-making scenarios that require human participation can be difficult. 


Implement exception-handling methods. Define explicit guidelines for spotting exceptions and determine how to manage them. Use decision points inside the workflow automation system to initiate human-in-the-loop interactions when required. Establish a feedback loop between the RPA and process automation systems to collect mistakes, log exceptions, and route them to the right stakeholders for resolution.

Governance and Compliance 


Ensuring governance, compliance, and audibility throughout the combined RPA and workflow automation process can be difficult. 


Implement strong governance structures. Define access restrictions, user permissions, and the separation of roles to ensure data security and compliance. Implement robust audit trails and logging methods in the RPA and process automation systems. Regularly assess and monitor the integrated process to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and organizational rules.

Change Management and User Adoption 


Implementing a combined RPA and process automation system requires change management and user adoption. 


Investing in user training and change management. Educate stakeholders about the advantages and goals of the integrated solution. Address concerns and offer assistance during the transition. Involve users in the design and testing processes to ensure their needs are satisfied and their input considered. To increase user adoption, emphasize the favorable influence on their job and productivity.


Organizations may effectively bring together RPA and Enterprise Workflow automation by proactively addressing these obstacles and applying the offered solutions, using the capabilities of both technologies to accomplish comprehensive process automation and optimize their business processes.

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