Integration Challenges Solved: Contract Driven Development and API Specifications to Fulfill Executable Contracts

Case Study

Integration Challenges Solved: Contract Driven Development and API Specifications to Fulfill Executable Contracts


There are several challenges to integration testing that can be solved using Contract-Driven Development and API Testing. Using this methodology, our experts ensure testing of integration points within each application are performed in isolation. We check if all messages sent or received through these integration points are in conformance of the documentation or contract.

A contract is a mutually agreed API specification that brings consumers and providers on the same page. What however makes contract-driven API development complex is the way data is often interpreted by both the provider and consumer.

Let’s consider an example where two microservices, Order Service and Payment Service, need to exchange data about an order. The Order Service provides the order details, including the total amount and customer information, while the Payment Service processes payments.

Typical Scenario: When the Order Service sends the order amount as a floating-point number (e.g., 99.99), but the Payment Service expects the amount as an integer representing cents (e.g., 9999).

Expertise Required:

API Contract: Define the API contract specifying that the order amount is sent as a string representing the amount in cents (e.g., “9999”).

Data Transformation: Implement a data transformation layer that converts the floating-point number to the expected integer format before sending the data to the Payment Service.

Validation: Add validation checks to ensure that the order amount is in the correct format before processing payments.

Our Solution: Enabling API Specifications as Executable Contracts

  • Enabled adherence of API specification as an executable contract
  • Defined API specifications at a component level for consumer and provider applications
  • Deployed API specifications as contract test cases
  • Leveraged Automation Testing Tools to check backward compatibility with existing API Consumers/Clients
  • Automated creation of new connections and test cases on introduction of new environment
  • Built API Specifications that are machine learning parsable codes stored in a central version control system


Semantic Differences:

  • Microservices may have different interpretations of the same data types, leading to semantic mismatches.
  • For example, one service may interpret a “date” as a Unix timestamp, while another may expect a date in a specific format.

Data Serialization:

  • When services communicate over the network, data must be serialized and deserialized.
  • Different serialization frameworks or libraries may handle data types differently, causing mismatches.

Language-Specific Data Types:

  • Microservices may be implemented in different programming languages with their own data type systems.
  • For example, a string in one language may not map directly to the string type in another language.
  • Versioning and Evolution:
  • Changes to data types over time can lead to compatibility issues between different versions of microservices
  • Adding new fields or changing existing data types can break backward compatibility

Null Handling:

  • Null values may be handled differently across services, leading to unexpected behavior
  • Some services may expect null values, while others may not handle them gracefully

How We Helped

API Contract and Documentation:

  • Clearly defined and document API contracts with agreed-upon data types
  • Specify data formats, units, and constraints in API documentation to ensure consistency

Use Standardized Data Formats:

  • Adopt standardized data formats like JSON Schema or OpenAPI to describe API payloads.
  • Standard formats help ensure that all services understand and interpret data consistently.

Data Transformation Layers:

  • Implement data transformation layers or microservices responsible for converting data between different formats
  • Use tools like Apache Avro or Protocol Buffers for efficient data serialization and deserialization

Shared Libraries or SDKs:

  • Develop and share libraries or SDKs across microservices to ensure consistent handling of data types
  • Centralized libraries can provide functions for serialization, validation, and conversion

Schema Registry:

  • Use a schema registry to centrally manage and evolve data schemas
  • Services can fetch the latest schema from the registry, ensuring compatibility and consistency

Schema Evolution Strategies:

  • Implement schema evolution strategies such as backward compatibility
  • When introducing changes, ensure that older versions of services can still understand and process data from newer versions

Validation and Error Handling:

  • Implement robust validation mechanisms to catch data type mismatches early
  • Provide clear error messages and status codes when data types do not match expected formats


  • Conduct thorough testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and contract tests
  • Test scenarios should include data type edge cases to uncover potential mismatches

Versioning and Compatibility:

  • Use versioning strategies such as URL versioning or header versioning to manage changes
  • Maintain backward compatibility when making changes to data types

Code Reviews and Collaboration:

  • Encourage collaboration between teams to review API contracts and data models
  • Conduct regular code reviews to identify and address potential data type mismatches

Runtime Type Checking:

  • Some programming languages offer runtime type checking or reflection mechanisms
  • Use these features to validate data types at runtime, especially when integrating with external services

The Impact

Improved Interoperability: Ensures seamless communication between microservices regardless of the languages or frameworks used.

Reduced Errors: Minimizes the chances of runtime errors and unexpected behavior due to data type inconsistencies.

Faster Integration: Developers spend less time resolving data type issues and can focus on building features.

Easier Maintenance: Centralized data transformation layers and standardized contracts simplify maintenance and updates.

Contract Driven Development


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API Integration for Automating Payments, Underwriting, and Orchestrating New Banking Process Workflows

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API Integration for Automating Payments, Underwriting, and Orchestrating New Banking Process Workflows


API integration can help automate Payment Backoffice tasks involving underwriting, collateral management, credit checks, and various other processes. It requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure the bank’s workflow orchestration is efficient, secure, and compliant.

At Sun Technologies, our API integration experts use a proven checklist to manage critical aspects of API development that includes – Error Handling, Data Validation, Performance and Scalability, Transaction Processing, Webhooks and Notifications, Monitoring and Logging, Integration with Payment Gateways, Testing, Backup and Disaster Recovery, Legal, and Compliance.

By considering these aspects, our developers are creating robust, secure, and efficient interfaces that streamline payment processes and enhance the overall user experience.

Payment Process that is Now Automated: Powered by No-Code API Integration

 Initiate Payment:

Back-office system sends a POST request to /payments API with payment details.

API validates the request, processes the payment, and returns a response with payment status and transaction ID.

Check Payment Status:

Back-office system periodically checks the payment status using GET /payments/{id}.

API returns the current status of the payment (pending, completed, failed).

Refund Process:

If needed, the back-office system initiates a refund by sending a POST request to /payments/{id}/refunds.

API processes the refund and updates the payment status accordingly.

Transaction History:

To reconcile payments, the back-office system retrieves transaction history using GET /transactions.

API returns a list of transactions with details like amount, date, status, etc.

Automated Reporting:

The back-office system exports transaction data from the API in CSV format for reporting.

API supports filtering by date range and other parameters to generate specific reports.


  • Reducing manual effort and streamlining payment processes
  • Reducing the risk of human error in payment handling.
  • Ensuring faster payment processing with real-time status updates
  • Enabling API integration with payment gateways, accounting systems, and other platforms
  • Ensuring APIs handle large volumes of transactions and scale as the business grows
  • Ensuring adherence to security standards and regulatory requirements
  • Enabling real-time status updates and transaction history
  • Providing visibility into payment workflows

How we Helped: Our Process Involving Underwriting Automation

  1. Requirement Analysis: Identify payment workflows, user roles, and data requirements
  2. API Design: Define endpoints for payment initiation, status checks, refunds, etc.
  3. Security Implementation: Implement OAuth 2.0 for authentication, data encryption, and RBAC
  4. Data Validation: Validate payment data for correctness and completeness
  5. Error Handling: Define error codes and messages for different scenarios
  6. Performance Optimization: Optimize endpoints for speed, implement caching, and rate limiting
  7. Webhooks: Provide webhooks for real-time payment updates
  8. Documentation: Create detailed API documentation with examples and tutorials
  9. Testing: Conduct unit, integration, load, and security testing
  10. Monitoring: Set up monitoring for API usage, performance metrics, and alerts
  11. Compliance: Ensure compliance with financial regulations and industry standards
  12. Release: Gradually release the API with proper versioning and support mechanisms

The Impact

100% Secure User Data

API Tokens provide secure access to user data without exposing credentials

3X Efficiency

We reduced the need for repeated user authentication by 300%

Faster User Experience

Seamless access to banking services within applications

100% Auditability

Tokens are logged and audited for security and compliance purposes

Payment API Integration


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Reimagining Lending Process: Automated Data Streaming Using Kafka and Snowflake

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Real-Time Data Streaming, Routing, and Processing Using Kafka and Snowflake


A top-tier bank’s legacy messaging infrastructure posed multiple challenges in handling growing data volumes – Transaction Data, Customer Data, New Loan Application Requests, KYC Data, etc. Hence, activating any new digital experience using the existing legacy infrastructure meant enabling high volumes of asynchronous data processing. Traditional messaging middleware like Message Queues (MQs), Enterprise Service Buses (ESBs), and Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tools were unable to provide the necessary support that modern applications demand.

Modern Applications Require Asynchronous, Heterogeneous Data Processing

What is Asynchronous Data Processing?

Asynchronous processing allows the system to handle multiple loan applications simultaneously without waiting for each application to complete. This means that while one application is being reviewed, others can continue to be processed in parallel.

For example, when a borrower applies for a mortgage loan through an online lending platform, the backend must be capable of collecting required documents and information, such as income statements, tax returns, credit reports, property details, and employment history.

When the borrower submits their application, the system immediately acknowledges receipt and starts the process. Meanwhile, in the background, the system also asynchronously verifies employment history, orders a credit report, and assesses property value.

Why Enable Data Streaming, Routing, and Processing Using APIs?

With the implementation of a Digital API Hub, the Legacy Messaging Middleware gets integrated with modern event streaming automation tools. It can then be taken enterprise-wide to enable new services or functionalities using the existing data.

How are Reusable Microservices Built Using a Modern Messaging layer?

The new messaging layer helps create reusable components from existing topics or data. Hence, launching any new digital service or feature can consume existing topics or data. A topic here implies code that is inside of a Terraform module which can be reused in multiple places throughout an application.

Why Choose Kafka and Snowflake for Real-Time Data Streaming

Snowflake as a data warehousing architecture and Kafka as a platform was chosen to automate different data stream lanes. Our developers were able to used Snowflake to enable event-driven consumption using Snowpipe. By integrating this cloud-based system, we were able to provide easy access to more cloud-based applications for different banking processes and teams.

  • We set up a Java application for data producing teams to scrape an API and integrating it with the data routing platform.
  • Using Kafka as a buffer between data producers and Snowflake allowed for decoupling of ingestion and processing layers, providing flexibility and resilience.
  • Information on different topics is then pushed into further processing for sending our event-driven notifications.
  • We also set up different event-driven data streams that achieves close to real-time fraud detection, transaction monitoring, and risk analysis.

Our Solution: Enabling Modern Experiences Using APIs for Asynchronous Data Processing

At Sun Technologies, we bring you the expertise to integrate event-driven automation that works perfect well with traditional messaging middleware or iPaaS.

  1. Integrated Intelligent Automation Plugins: Document AI for customer onboarding and underwriting
  2. Integrated Gen AI in Workflows: Workbots capture data from excel spreadsheets, ERP, chat messages, folders, and attachments.
  3. Configured Approval Hierarchy & Controls: Faster data access and cross-departmental decisioning for lending
  4. Automated Customer Support Workflows: Streamlined borrower relationship and account management

Challenge: Building a system that can handle up to 2 million messages per day

  • Legacy data is run on software and hardware housed in monolithic and tightly coupled environments
  • Massive cost incurred in hosting, managing, and supporting legacy messaging infrastructure
  • Difficult-to-find IT skills does not let non-technical staff to be participative in automating workflows
  • Legacy messaging services pose challenges of platform retirement and end-of-life
  • Legacy messaging systems built on batch-based architectures do not support complex workflow routing
  • Legacy architecture is designed for executing simple P2P request or reply patterns
  • The tightly coupled architecture does not support creation of new workflow patterns

How Our Solution Helped

  1. Our Cloud and Data architects examined the legacy data landscape to see how it can be made compatible with modern Intelligent Automation (IA) integrations
  2. We not only identified the right data pipelines but also launched them using No-Code App development
    • Replacing Legacy Messaging using Kafka or a similar event routing platform
    • Building and deploying applications that are always available and responsive
    • Integrating with multiple event brokers to enable new routing decisions
  3. Replaced manual processes with automated workflows in Trade Finance, Guarantee Management, Information Security, and Regulatory Compliance
  4. Our No-Code Change Management Consulting completely automats the building of Asynchronous, Heterogeneous Data Pipelines

The Possible Impact

  • 3X Speed of new event streaming adoption and workflow pipeline creation
  • Simple event streaming and publishing set-up takes 1 hour
  • New data pipelines can handle up to 2 million messages per day
  • New messaging layer capable of handling 5,000 messages per second
  • Cloud-Agnostic data streaming saving millions in licensing cost


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3PL Predictive Modelling Accelerator: Mailbox & Document Automation for Data-Driven Demand Planning and Empty Container Management

Use Case

3PL Predictive Modelling Accelerator: Mailbox & Document Automation for Data-Driven Demand Planning and Empty Container Management


Predictive modelling and Data-Driven Demand Planning systems are essential for ‘Empty Container Management’. Global Repositioning Teams use them to reduce logistics costs associated with empty container handling and relocation. However, the ability to predict demand and reposition depends on accuracy and speed of data capture.

What 3PL business therefore need is a solution that can overcome challenges of manual extraction of data from emails, attachments, invoices, shipping labels, delivery notes, CMR Consignment Notes, etc. And while the ever dependable excel spreadsheet is not going anywhere, we can optimize workflows around it.

However, it is largely dependent on the availability of real-time cargo tracking data and how it is used to give the complete picture –

How shipping container dimensions’ data is input into the system

How data is standardized when collaborating with external shipping lines

How data is used to arrive at Projected vs Accrued container storage cost

How data being used to generate a plan for empty load and discharge

What process is followed to create a summary of cargo to be discharged at each port

What process is followed to capture Information location, capacity, and heavy lifts

What type of format you follow for storing data about arrival timestamps

What process is followed to calculate optimal storage figures, and peak periods

Completely manual processes of data extraction, data inputs and maintaining excel-based records pose a big challenge for prediction and visibility. Hence you need system integration that can continuously share the latest data to provide consistency across departments and global divisions.

Our Solution: Award-Winning Mailbox Automation and No-Code Adoption for 3PL Business Users

Sun Technologies is a top-tier implementation partner for some the world’s leading No-Code, Low-Code platforms for Automation. Our experts can implement end-to-end automation of your mailbox operations using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to streamline processes and improve efficiencies.

  1. Mailbox Automation: Automated email processing systems can automatically sort and categorize emails based on predefined rules, extract relevant information, and route them to the appropriate departments or systems for further processing.
  2. OCR for Document Processing: Automate the extraction of data from various documents, such as shipping labels, invoices, and receipts. OCR software can scan and convert paper-based or electronic documents into machine-readable text, extracting relevant information like product names, quantities, addresses, and tracking numbers.
  3. Order and Inventory Management: Automated OCR operations can be integrated with the order and inventory management systems. When new orders are received, OCR technology can extract essential information from shipping instructions, such as item details, quantities, customer addresses, and delivery requirements and feed it into your order management systems.
  4. Improved Accuracy and Cost Savings: By automating these operations with OCR technology, the risk of human errors is significantly reduced, leading to higher accuracy and improved overall quality. Furthermore, automated mailbox and OCR operations can save costs by reducing expenses associated with manual processing.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: Handle a growing volume of emails and documents without the need for additional manpower. As the business expands, this scalability ensures consistent and timely processing of incoming information. Additionally, OCR technology can be customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of different 3PL tasks and processes.

Challenge: Unregulated data coming from various sources, including sales and purchase forms, invoices, delivery notes, CMRs, customs documents, etc.

  • What 3PL Leaders Aspire to Achieve:

    • Building an application that gives visibility needed to determine which of the ships are underutilized, or even wasteful
    • Giving all concerned stakeholders the ability to prepare scenario-based models based on repositioning of empty containers
    • Integrating anticipatory shipping data that accurately reports or shows availability of products in a nearby hub or warehouse
    • Integrating trend analysis into a common application interface that will show various patterns of demand trends
    • Placing event-based triggers in the Transport Management System (TMS) to raise alerts on future disruptions and plan accordingly
    • Automating data input to show how many last-mile delivery drivers are required at a given time based on shipment status information

How We Can Help: Implement Our Predictive Modelling Accelerators

  1. Auto-populate data: Use of technologies such as OCR creates more robust processes for tracking of inventory levels by scanning barcodes or QR codes on incoming/outgoing shipments, enabling real-time visibility and better inventory control.
  2. Forecast Demand: Once, data related processes are automated, Predictive models can then be used to analyze historical data and other relevant factors to determine the future demand for empty containers. This can help shipping companies and container providers to proactively manage their inventory and ensure optimization of empty containers usage as well as available at the right time.
  3. Optimize Allocation: Our Predictive Modelling acceleration can help in determining the optimal allocation of empty containers to different locations or ports based on predicted demand. This can minimize the need for repositioning containers and reduce costs associated with empty container management.
  4. Optimize Route Planning: Build you customized predictive-modelling-based enterprise application that can analyze historical shipping patterns, trade routes, and other factors to optimize the routing of empty containers. By identifying the most efficient routes for repositioning empty containers, companies can reduce the time and cost required for managing their container inventory.
  5. Plan Maintenance Effectively: Analyze data related to the maintenance history of containers, environmental conditions, and other factors to predict when a container is likely to require maintenance or repairs. This can enable proactive maintenance planning, ensuring that containers are in optimal condition and reducing the likelihood of unexpected.

The Possible Impact

  • Reduce cost of maintaining manual processes by 50%
  • Automate 80% of all Transport Management System data input tasks
  • Automate 90% tasks related to empty container repositioning
  • Forecast demand for full containers and predict empty containers
  • Gain visibility into the future container shortages at locations
3PL Transformation


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How DevOps-As-A-Service Powered 500+ Application Feature Releases for a US-Based Credit Union

Case Study

How DevOps-As-A-Service Powered 500+ App Feature Releases for a Top US-Based Credit Union


Our dedicated DevOps support has enabled 500+ error-free feature releases for an application modernization project using our tried-and-tested code libraries and re-suable frameworks. Instead of having a siloed team of developers, database administrators, and operations teams, our DevOps orchestration has helped the client to accelerate innovation. Their IT teams and business users are now able to contribute more towards shaping new digital experiences rather than spending weeks on re-writing codes and testing of the apps before they go live.

Your DevOps consultant must be adept at creating two separate sets of hosts, a Live Side and a Deployment Testing Side. The deployment team needs to ensure that each side is scaled and able to serve traffic. The Deployment Testing Side is where changes are tested traffic is continually served to the Live Side. Sun Technologies’ DevOps Practice ensures creating a suitable environment where changes are tested manually before sending production traffic to it.

Based on the stage of the DevOps pipeline, our experts helped the client’s technical team to get trained and on-board automation tooling to achieve the following:

Continuous Development | Continuous Testing | Continuous Integration

Continuous Delivery | Continuous Monitoring

Our Solution: A Proven CI/CD Framework

Testing Prior to Going Live: Get a secure place to test and prepare major software updates and infrastructural changes. 

Creating New Live Side: Before going all in, we will first make room to test changes on small amounts of production traffic

Gradual Deployments at Scale: By rolling deployment out to production by gradually increasing the percentage served to the new live side

DevOps Challenges

  • Siloed teams of Developers, Database Administrators, and Operations Team
  • Frequent file changes, inconsistencies in deployments
  • Lack of knowledge and expertise in maintaining capacity for Testing requirements
  • Inept deployment strategy for a gradual rollout for a new version of the older applications
  • Inability to ensure all search services only ever talked to other search services of the same version
  • Prior to DevOps support, client required three developer engineers, one operation engineer, and a production engineer on standby

How Our DevOps Practice Ensures Zero Errors

During the Test Phase 

  • Dedicated Testing Team: Prior to promoting changes to production, the product goes through a series of automated vulnerability assessments and manual tests
  • Proven QA Frameworks: Ensures architectural and component level modifications don’t expose the underlying platform to security weaknesses
  • Focus on Security: Design requirements stated during the Security Architecture Review are validated against what was built

In the Deployment Phase

  • User-Acceptance Environments: All releases first pushed into user-acceptance environments and then, when it’s ready, into production
  • No-Code Release Management: Supports quick deployment of applications by enabling non-technical Creators and business users
  • No-Code platform orientation and training: Helps release multiple deploys together, increasing productivity while reducing errors

The Impact

  • Close to $40,000 saved in development and testing of APIs
  • APIs enabling close to 80 million USD transactions per month
  • Automated Clearing House and Guarantee management Systems delivered in record time.
  • 100% uptime in 50+ apps rolled out in 12 months


BFSI Case Studies: Made possible by INTELLISWAUT Test Automation Tool, Automated Refactoring, and Coding Specialists from Sun Technologies

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Data-Compliant & Data Secure No-Code App Development with Legacy Migration for Federal Companies

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Data-Compliant & Data Secure No-Code App Development with Legacy Migration for Federal Companies


For Federal Agencies and Federal Contractors, Data Security is of paramount importance especially when it comes to doing business on the cloud. Also, companies that fall in the category of highly regulated industries such as – Insurance, Financial Services, Public Sector, and Healthcare need to pay special attention to Data Security.

Our data security experts are helping some of the largest US Federal Banks to stay compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) while migrating legacy applications or building new Codeless Applications.

While delivering Microservices Applications, our Federal customers want us to rapidly build, design, and test new API services that help connect with legacy data sources. To fulfill Federal Data Compliance requirements, our data security specialists use SaaS products and platforms that are AICPA-certified. Essentially, these are platforms that are certified by third-party auditors to maintain security compliance with SOC 2 Type II and mandated standards like HIPAA.

These platforms that are also listed on the Federal Risk & Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) are once again evaluated based on the suitability based on the different regional requirements.

Our Solution: Process Optimization Consulting and Data Security Evaluation

Solution to the above discussed problem lies in finding the best route to make use of existing process knowledge while using AI to optimize human efficiencies.

Process Optimization Consulting Practice: It helps identify the checks and balances that can be placed using a mix of human intervention and Automation tools.

Set Rules and Permissions: When integrating legacy systems with external APIs, customer integrations, or a third-party product, our expert guidance helps set access control rules and permissions.

RBAC-based swimlanes: Our data security specialists possess hands-on experience in orchestrating RBAC workflows across internal teams, clients, and service providers.

Enhanced Authentication: Our proven framework authenticates integrations through a multitude of methods while providing the means to apply TLS to further enhance security.

Applying Transport Layer Security (TLS): These encryption safeguards ensure eavesdroppers/hackers are unable to see the data that is transmitted over the internet.

Challenges of AI in industries Such as Banking and Insurance

Concerns of Federal CTOs: Federal Agency CTOs have voiced their concerns about the risks and losses that can occur due to data outages or data loss caused by Generative AI.

Data Poisoning: The use of AI and ML in banking transactions can go wrong when a mistaken context or understanding is fed into the system.

Chances of Bias: While AI scans millions of documents, it can also lead to forming erroneous and biased classifications that inconveniences customers.

Failed or Declined Transactions: When results delivered based on biased judgement of data, it can lead to customers getting blocked or declined services.

How we Helped

  • Our codeless practice makes it easy to migrate logic and data to a Migration factory from where it is extended using our recommended No-Code platform
  • It can successfully connect with legacy systems like ServiceNow, PEGA, APPWAY, AWD, etc., to build applications in a drag-and-drop interface
  • Queries are created from our expert-recommended No-Code platform that is used to get data feeds from legacy platforms
  • This data is used to create No-Code applications which can query with simple HTTP requests.
  • The recommended No-Code platform deployment ensures accurate extraction of business rules from legacy platform
  • CX, data model, and integrations are successfully extended to a modern frontend with significant improvements in application uptime and performance

The Impact

  • 100% accuracy in extraction of business rules
  • 600x Increase in developer productivity for client
  • 80% reduction in maintaining legacy applications
  • 500x reduced time spent on bug fixing
  • Reduced TCOs by close to 60%


BFSI Case Studies: Made possible by INTELLISWAUT Test Automation Tool, Automated Refactoring, and Coding Specialists from Sun Technologies

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Automated Testing for Mainframe Modernization: 400% faster refactoring and testing of legacy applications

Case Study

Testing Automation for Mainframe Modernization: 400% faster refactoring and testing of legacy applications


One of our BFSI clients wanted to migrate components a critical mainframe application to the cloud. It required code refactoring from COBOL and PowerBuilder to modern programming languages like Java and to modern frameworks such as Angular. The key purpose of this modernization move was to enable cloud optimization of IT workloads while activating new-age digital experiences that could not be run on the monolithic mainframe. The Re-Platforming strategy required upgradation of Java applications to the most updated versions.

To execute these deliverables, there are two tools that were used extensively – Our in-house AI-powered Testing Tool ‘IntelliSWAUT’ and ‘AWS Blu Age’.

Almost 50+ applications were modernized using our AI-infused code refactoring and functional testing. The deliverables included the following tasks:

Re-platforming of Applications from PowerBuilder to Phoenix

Migration of Data from Oracle to Snowflake Data

Re-platforming of Applications from JBoss EAP to Phoenix

Crystal Report Upgrades to Enterprise Edition

ETL Upgrades from 3.2 to 4.2

Our Solution

  • Use of ‘IntelliSWAUT’ tool and AWS Blu Age automates conversion of complete legacy applications to new programming languages and frameworks
  • As soon as a developer commits changes to the source code, the automation automatically places it a downstream testing cycle
  • It enables testers to automate the iterations required to check the refactored codes, test sets, and finetune changes
  • Our combination of human testers and AI Testing Tools can quickly address differences in text content, text color, buttons, output data, etc.
  • Test scenarios are automatically created when testers use the application to perform required actions
  • It also automates testing of the visual appearance of any application/product to ensure it meets design specifications


  • Legacy mainframe systems often have intricate architectures, making manual testing labor-intensive and error-prone
  • Changes in mainframe applications can cause unforeseen issues and require extensive regression testing
  • Mainframe modernization projects often involve frequent updates and releases to keep pace with evolving business needs
  • Manual testing often incurs data migration and in those cases validating data accuracy becomes cumbersome if performed manually
  • Mainframe modernization may involve transitioning to hybrid or multi-cloud environments which requires specialized cloud talent
  • Manual testing may overlook many test scenarios due to an over-dependency on human efforts
  • Integrating mainframe changes into the CI/CD pipeline for continuous testing becomes challenging with manual processes

How we Helped

  • We deployed a team of code specialist with our automated testing tools and unique frameworks
  • Our codeless tool creates resilient testing scripts that don’t break when objects such as icons, text, and other elements are moved on the user interface
  • Codeless test automation frameworks and scripts are used to check test quality, intent and integrity of applications
  • Our daily cyclical frameworks include converting the code and the data, running the tests, checking if it works, and finetuning when required

The Impact

  • Conversion and testing application with millions of lines of code take a few hours
  • We cut down scripting time from six hours per test case to just two hours
  • Complex migration processes have been almost entirely automated
  • Minimal turnaround time for workflows with no errors or delays
  • Upgraded 50+ Apps using automated functional testing
Testing Automation

BFSI Case Studies: Made possible by INTELLISWAUT Test Automation Tool, Automated Refactoring, and Coding Specialists from Sun Technologies

Discover the Key Benefits Unlocked by Global BFSI Leaders.

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Mainframe Modernization: Transitioning a Bank’s Monolithic COBOL Mainframe Driven Services to Java Enabled Experiences

Case Study

Mainframe Modernization: Transitioning a Bank’s Monolithic COBOL Mainframe Driven Services to Java Enabled Experiences


COBOL programmers are retiring fast while customers expecting fast delivery of new omnichannel services. On the application agility side, banks want to break down slow mainframe monoliths into leaner services and microservices while using the valuable mainframe data.

By using Amazon EC2, our Mainframe Modernization Experts can provide the required application agility with DevOps best practices. Code refactoring performed by our CI/CD teams can help optimize high Read-Intensive Workloads using AWS to cut down costs significantly.  

By leveraging our extensive knowledge of industry domain specific CI/CD practices and pipelines, our experts can help deploy customer engagement applications implemented in Java®, either classically or as microservices. These new-age digital experiences can be hosted on x86 Linux® systems on the Red Hat® OpenShift® container platform.

Our Solution

  • By transforming many of the older programs written in COBOL to Java we enabled new digital experiences for mobile as well as web
  • Our code refactoring has accelerated query workloads while reducing mainframe CPU consumption
  • For relational databases, read replicas have been created to offload read traffic from the primary database
  • This ensures the cached data is quickly served to users, reducing the number of actual database reads and its cost
  • We enabled generic Java services that can be exposed as APIs to developers of front-end applications
  • Developers deployed API to call up the loan applicant details to be displayed on multiple screens
  • Our Java Refactoring has made it easier to present new services based on the bank’s existing functionality
  • Many new service and app functionalities have unique REST APIs available and deployed
  • We enabled remote call capability for both business logic services and data access services


  • Managing the refactoring without impacting existing application functions.
  • Refactoring codes without impacting 2 Million+ core banking transactions annually
  • Maintaining IMS performance with peaks of 12,000 transactions per second
  • Bringing the latest version of Java into the existing IMS/COBOL runtime
  • To Rewrite the 50000 plus COBOL lines into a new programming platform
  • Re-hosting application environment to updated platforms
  • Automating testing of applications with new features being added iteratively

How we Helped

  • Instead of a lift and shift framework, we started writing RESTFUL services in Java codes alongside the COBOL Mainframe
  • By re-factoring codes, we built new functionality and digital experiences for the bank’s customers
  • We helped the bank replace close to 90% of their backend with a modern java powered experiences
  • It has improved performance of workloads on the mainframe by 3X with new-age functionalities
  • We include automated testing in your CI/CD pipeline with AWS CodeBuild and our in-house tool IntelliSWAUT
  • Our knowledge of testing frameworks ensured the changes do not introduce regressions in read-intensive functionality
  • We implement load balancing with services like Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to distribute read traffic across multiple instances

The Impact

  • Transitioned 50 application programs, half online and half batch
  • 85% of its loan processing transitioned to RESTful service apps
  • Migration enables 80 Million USD transactions per month
  • API calls can manage 12,000 transactions per second
  • Capacity for 200 million instructions per processor second (MIPS) support

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Blockchain API Loyalty Program: Empowering a Restaurant Chain to Launch Group Discount

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Blockchain API Loyalty Program: Empowering a Restaurant Chain to Launch Group Discount


We built a Cross-Border Payment and Remittance Network that helped customers as well as merchants to get cash from international transactions instantaneously. Our private Blockchain has helped many restaurants launch – Group Loyalty Points and Payment Redemption. It makes it possible to provide nearly instant verification of credentials for quick and easy cash transfers.

Key features of the group discounts activation:

We helped the client launch cross-border customer loyalty program for a restaurant chain

As a part of the program, customers and corporates were able join a group-discounts offer plan

Merchants/Restaurants could also give away eGiftcards that can be redeemed by customers

eGiftcards’ receivers could redeem it over luncheon, dine out and breakfast outings 

Encourages customers to form groups centred around a sales-goal milestone.

Gamifies the whole experience and push the entire group towards achieving the sales milestone.

Launches a front-end that give the customer a collective experience of reaching the group target.

Enables sharing for the participants to promote the group deal to everyone in their network.

Empowers the participants to invite and enlarge their social circle of participant peers.

Makes sure every participant gets the deal once the milestone is completed.

Our Solution

  • Instant payments were enabled by APIs that connected to an international smart chain
  • It enables merchants to easily launch their own QR Codes to accept payments
  • All that the end-customers had to do was scan the QR code and begin their rewards journey
  • Provides easy tools that allows the merchant to create, sell & track your eGiftCards
  • Enables a quick and easy scan and redemption of the eGiftCards with a QR code
  • Allows sending and receiving money with competitive rates for merchants and customers
  • Enables customers to create QR codes of loyalty points to be redeemed at the POS
  • Empowers the merchant to launch exclusive app that can be used by customers to scan QR codes at stores


  • Restaurants/Merchants wanted instant cash flow experiences
  • Customer wanted to have a real-time view of their engagement scores
  • Having real-time data on the group participants as a ledger folio was required
  • Customers wanted to send gift cards to family & friends with a few clicks
  • Merchants required a platform to launch new eGiftcards easily
  • Merchants and customers both needed a platform that allows to pay and receive cash

How we Helped

  • Blockchain Developers created data-syncs to enable reward point entry in customers’ ledgers
  • Blockchains were deployed to ensure quick customer points validation and cash-back settlements
  • These Blockchains enabled real-time, cross-border settlements for highly-engaged customers
  • We helped tokenize rewards for consumers and merchants to access the value in them
  • We built a system that helps the merchant set transaction milestones and milestones
  • For every customer ledger the system shows how and when they can redeem physical goods
  • The system provided real-time view of the engagement scorecards and the value they hold
  • Transaction fees was lowered by connecting to an instant settlement network of issuers
  • The Network of issuers formed a private Blockchain to which the Payment Wallet and QR scanning was connected
  • A Blockchain API enabled easy exchange of data across the private Blockchain to easily verify customer credentials and rewards eligibility
  • As per the currency settlement requirements, API auto-routes payment requests to a pre-defined set of issuers

The Impact

  • 300% uptick in new users from referrals in 45 days
  • eGiftcards referral launch enabled in 3 months
  • Integration with multiple third-party applications, websites, mobile applications, and POS solutions
  • API ability to handle 5,000+ concurrent API calls with response time under 1 second
  • Payment request in multiple currencies made possible by the private Blockchain

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Multi-Blockchain Network that Enables Instant Cross-Border Payments

Case Study

Multi-Blockchain Network that Enables Instant Cross-Border Payments


Traditional payment methods involve multiple intermediaries with each one taking a cut and adding its layer of time and complexity. These traditional mechanisms involve an issuer, a clearing house, an acquirer organization, a wallet, a merchant website and more of such nodes through which money would pass through in a Bi-directional manner.

It can take anywhere between 24 to 72 hours to process payments and it would also involve a charge of 3% or more as transaction fees. This is on account of currency transfer procedures which can stall the transfer of funds in transit. That is where our Blockchain API expertise steps in to show financial institutions and Banks how to reinvent their settlement mechanisms by creating a network of interconnected network of Fintech companies and Banks to moves money, manages foreign exchange, and mitigate fraud.

By creating Blockchain API that connects with multiple networks, our experts are making it easy to send and receive funds in real-time. Our innovative solution is enabling our Financial Services Client to help their customers mitigate the barriers of currency, time, and geography. By building a unique Instant Settlement Network, we are delivering financial value that can move more reliably and much faster at much lower costs anywhere in the world. We are facilitating these transactions while screening all the payments as per all the regulations.

Our Blockchain API integrations also make it very easy to access data on transactions, create or share smart contracts, update account balances, transact using Crypto currency, etc. In other cases, our Blochchain APIs also allow users to interact with Decentralized Financial Networks as well as traditional Banks in new and innovative ways. Using our expertise, you too can build a network that can connect to multiple Blockchain Data from one place – NFTs, tokens, Crypto, Wallets, NFT, GameFi, DeFi, and more.

Our Solution

  • Instant Cross-Border Payment App is built and deployed as a world-class Web3 Explorer Product using Blockchain APIs
  • We enabled it by building a multi-chain, interconnected network of banks, financial institutions, businesses, and consumers
  • The Global Interconnected Network was built by Converging APIs of Different Financial Organizations, Banks, and Fintech Products
  • Instant Settlements are helping customers and merchants connect to multiple financial networks at once
  • The solution involves the use of smart contracts that are deployed for automating payment and transfer value processes
  • It supports multiple currencies while eliminating fees charged by Banks and Intermediaries
  • Caters to overseas customers by supporting remittances in their local currency
  • Enables instant payment gateway using our expertise in building payment platforms that support multiple local currencies for international trade
  • Ensures flawless integrations with multiple Blockchains using our API marketplace and finance domain expertise


  • End-users demand payments in a matter of seconds and not days or weeks
  • Cross-border payments can take days or even weeks to clear, and the fees can be exorbitant
  • Payments go through multiple banks/ intermediaries, each adding a new costs and complexities
  • Payment recipients wanted to easily receive cash, whether in dollars, euros, or any local currency
  • Foreign exchange fees are costly and it increases the time taken for funds to reach their destination
  • Building a network requires connecting multiple banks, intermediaries, and nodes
  • Developers need to have working knowledge and hands-on experience in deploying DeFi Blockchain

How we Helped

  • We deployed an expert team of Financial domain Blockchain API Developers
  • Expertise spans DeFi APIs, NFT APIs, Wallet APIs, Fungible Token APIs, Transaction Receipt APIs, and Transaction Pool
  • With our expertise, we build and deployed several Payment Acquiring APIs and Transaction Service APIs
  • We also deployed an Instant Settlement Network Messaging API for alerts and updates
  • Our developers are hands-on with Powerful Node Infrastructures, RESTFUL APIs, SOAP Protocols
  • Our Developers enabled multiple Web3 dApps features with our enterprise-grade APIs
  • These APIs helped to connect with multiple financial partners and DeFi networks
  • APIs were built to help users securely access their funds, swap funds, and perform instant cross-border transactions
  • The API provides faster transaction confirmations while ensuring security.
  • It is further allowing developers to launch specialized services for merchants
  • A new platform was built to use the payment gateway to activate eGiftcards

The Impact

  • 99%+ uptime to serve tens of thousands of transactions every minute
  • 2 Million+ API Requests handled flawlessly every week
  • 24/7 support provided by a dedicated Developer team
  • Trusted by multiple financial institutional partners and banks

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